There was something for everyone at the Kakanui School market day.
The school’s 65 pupils have spent the past term forming companies, hiring workers, and creating products for sale as part of the Primary Enterprise Programme (PrEP).
The hard work culminated in a market day last Friday, with the community coming out in droves to buy the products.
Among the creations were worm wine, trugs, signs, key holders, bracelets, hacky sacks, popsicle-stick planes, dreamcatchers, and food.
Olive Ryburn (10), who created mirrors decorated with shells, said she loved the project and spending time at the local beaches collecting the shells.
Senior teacher Gary Shirley said Olive’s mirrors were ‘‘amazing’’and the market day had been a success, with most stalls selling out.
Over the past few weeks, all pupils formed companies, and came up with their products to sell at the market. After making a prototype, they received feedback on their products to improve them, before taking them to the market.
Some children wanted to be workers, while others led their own companies.
Mr Shirley paid the pupils $5 each day for their work, but if they had not been productive enough, they would get a lower wage.
‘‘Then we’d negotiate what’s a fair payment,’’ he said.
The programme taught pupils the importance of profit and loss, technology, commerce, and self› and time› management — ‘‘all those things that really make a difference’’.