Market to celebrate first anniversary of business

Sorting . . . Kayla Butler and her son Freddie (3) get the Divine Within products ready for their stall at next week's Oamaru Flea Market. PHOTO: SALLY BROOKER

True to her word, Kayla Butler is holding a flea market to celebrate the first anniversary of her business, Divine Within.

The life coach and holistic wellness practitioner is filling the Loan and Merc with stalls from her own and other local businesses, as well as music, food and drinks from 7pm to midnight on Friday, October 28.

When she featured in the Oamaru Mail in July, Mrs Butler said she wanted to give people a chance to meet her in person before choosing to invest in her services.

She had based them on her own experiences of depression and feeling like an outsider, then learning to embrace the ‘‘uncoolness’’ that she now considered her superpower, and harnessing her empathy for others.

Thirteen stalls, all with close links to Oamaru, would offer goods including clothing, jewellery, and candles.

Most were releasing exclusive lines and specials that would make ideal Christmas gifts, Mrs Butler said.

The entry ticket included a glass of bubbles on arrival and a generous serving of canapes courtesy of Kurow’s Jessica Flora, and inspired by her supper club events.

DJs would play records for the first three hours, then perform a two-hour gig from 10pm. They included Mrs Butler’s husband, Steve, known as Bass Intrusion.

Under that name, he was also launching a clothing brand called Duck Sauce, starting with embroidered T-shirts.

The music was ‘‘the cherry on the top’’ of the event, Mrs Butler said.

‘‘Bass music is a big part of our life.

‘‘The whole market is based around community and the connections we have.

‘‘A new energy has been born after the last two years. I wanted to create an environment that shows that new energy, so people can experience it. 

‘‘There’s a special, connective, inclusive energy here.

‘‘It’s not about competing, it’s about building each other up.’’

Mrs Butler said she had a great response from prospective stallholders she approached, and others approached her to be included.

‘‘I wanted to cater to all demographics.’’

The market would be ‘‘a man’s dream’’ to get all his Christmas shopping done in one night, she said.

‘‘We’re creating a space for everybody. I’m really excited about it. I feel honoured to be doing it.’’

Mrs Butler said it was a privilege to be working with Jessica Flora and Loan and Merc lessee Sally-Ann Donnelly, as well as renowned business such as Riverstone Kitchen, Whitestone Cheese, Shortblack Cafe, the Harbour Street Collective Cafe, Campbells Butchery, and the Victorian Lounge and Eatery. The doors will be closed at 10pm.

‘‘If you don’t come for the whole thing, you’re not there for the right reasons,’’ Mrs Butler said.