Time running out to have your say

Waitaki District Council chief executive Alex Parmley. PHOTO: REBECCA RYAN

Deadline day is looming for people to have their say on the draft district plan.

The Waitaki District Council has been engaging with the community for the past three months to gather feedback on the document that ‘‘shapes the future of our district’’.

Council chief executive Alex Parmley said it was important residents and businesses had their say before the engagement period officially closed next Wednesday.

‘‘We also live in changing times, and our district faces new opportunities and challenges when it comes to how we use the land, climate change, coastal erosion, natural hazards and more,’’ Mr Parmley said.

‘‘We need to ensure that the district plan supports these opportunities and addresses these challenges, as well as helps us effectively utilise our resources and retain our community values.’’

Reviewing the plan aided in reassessing priorities and redefining the future of the district, he said.

During the engagement period, the council had met with more than 400 people across the district. Representatives had spoken with businesses, community groups, churches and schools, and were keen to receive written feedback as a result of those discussions.

‘‘The council does listen and will be evaluating all feedback to balance government regulations and what matters most to our community,’’ Mr Parmley said.

Feedback and public engagement helped to shape the plan before it was published, and more was encouraged so ‘‘as many people as possible can help shape the future of our district’’.

The draft plan was being reviewed in line with the Resource Management Act 1991, which required all councils to review their district plan every 10 years. The new plan was required to comply with ‘‘ever-changing’’ rules and regulations.

It was anticipated the plan would be notified at the start of 2024, when there would be a further opportunity to make submissions and seek changes through a statutory process.

Feedback on the plan could be offered through an online feedback form, at www.waitaki.govt.nz/haveyoursay, by sending an email to [email protected] or by posting or dropping off feedback to council offices or Waitaki district libraries.

More information, including videos and podcasts on key issues, could be found on the council website www.waitaki.govt.nz/district›plan›review.