Have a go sessions offer ‘friendship and fun’ for all ages

Hooked on hoops . . . Sport Waitaki co›ordinator Pip Sutton tries her hand at croquet as Awamoa Croquet Club members (from left) Ethel Johnston, Pat Gunn, Julie Pringle, Keith Robertson, Jenny Macnab and Bob Wickenden watch on. PHOTO: KAYLA HODGE

Croquet is a sport for everyone.

The Awamoa Croquet Club is once again hosting its have a go pre›season days, giving more people a taste of the sport before the season starts.

Players would be given the chance to try golf croquet — a popular modified short version of the long format association croquet — and no previous skill was required.

All mallets would be provided, and there was no cost, but people needed to wear flat shoes for the day.

Club coach Ethel Johnston said it was a great sport to get involved in, and families could play together.

‘‘You’ll find there are social players who just like to come for friendship and fun, and there’s others who come for the competitive side . . . [as well as] those who don’t want to play contact sport,’’ Johnston said.

Croquet was a good mental sport that also kept people fit and healthy through exercise.

‘‘It’s good for the brain.’’

Johnston enjoyed the challenge of the sport and helping others learn.

The club had had several secondary and intermediate pupils before, and had more than 60 members at present — but it always welcomed more.

Club member Bob Wickenden encouraged people to make the most of the have a go events.

‘‘Come along have a hit, play one or two games in the morning.

‘‘You don’t have to be here every week,’’ Wickenden said.

Have a go events are being held on August 29 and 31 and September 3, 5, and 7.

Morning sessions run from 10am to 12.30pm, and afternoon sessions from 12.30pm to 3pm.